Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus
Live OUT Loud! at the Suzanne Roberts Theatre!
On May 17-18, Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus presents Live OUT Loud! at the Suzanne Roberts Theatre! Live OUT Loud! is a tribute to the struggles and progress of the LGBTQ+ community, and a proper send off for Joseph J. Buches’ historic 20 year residency as the Artistic Director and Conductor of Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus, delivering choral excellence and organizational growth. Under Joe’s artistic direction and leadership, we have grown from 35 to over one hundred proud members. We thank Joe for establishing a legacy of music and direction that has saved and positively impacted countless lives at each of our concerts and youth engagement performances. Join us, in Celebrating PRIDE and Joe’s legacy as he directs PGMC one last time in Live OUT Loud!
We are excited to showcase various LGBTQ+ themed commissioned masterpieces. This music celebrates the profound experience of our coming out and the love stories that shape and build the LGBTQ+ community that reminds us to bravely and unapologetically Live OUT Loud!
With selections written by notable composers and lyricists including:
Robert Seeley
Robert Maggio
Robert Espindola (late husband of Robert Seeley)
Philip Littell
A special PGMC commissioned piece “Long Live the Queen (a her-story of drag)” by Composer Andrea Clearfied will be performed by Lyricist and Drag Soloist Cookie Diorio. This piece is a cantata for a drag soloist, chorus, two percussion, bass, and piano.
The celebration continues with popular selections to excite and inspire you including “Rise Up” and “Born This Way!” We will not be erased; we will not be denied; we WILL Live OUT Loud!